KA3 Support for Policy Reform Networks and Partnerships of Vocational Educational Training (VET) Providers

Don Bosco Web for a more accessible and inclusive VET in Europe

Progress in vocational training is unbroken, the Union is achieving its goals, especially in terms of NEETs (= stuck outside the worlds of work, learning and training) and vulnerable young people. VET is able to meet the common goal of the dual goal (social inclusion and (employability)) - its main obstacles are: [1] a low level of competence, [2] a weak link between EU directives and genuine vocational training, and [3] a planned approach lack of.

Don Bosco Web for a more accessible and inclusive VET in Europe
  • Program: KA3 Support for Policy Reform Networks and Partnerships of Vocational Educational Training (VET) Providers
  • Résztvevő országok:
    • Italy
    • Spain
    • France
    • Germany
    • Belgium
    • Hungary
  • Időtartam: 2011.11.01 - 2021.10.31.
  • Szerződésszám: 609095-EPP-1-2019-1-IT-EPPKA3-VET-NETPAR
  • Koordinátor: CNOS-FAP, Italy
  • Partnerek:
    • P1 - CNOS-FAP - Rome
    • P2 - Tech Don Bosco - Madrid
    • P3 - SIF
    • P4 - AMDB France
    • P5 - SMX - Seville
    • P6 - DBOC - Brussels
    • P7 - German province
    • P8 - DBI
  • Weboldal: http://web4vet.szaleziiskolak.hu/
  • Facebook Oldal:
Projekt Leírása



Educators, trainers

Companies and other actors

Project managers


Projekt Célja

Feladatok / Mérföldkövek

